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Climb the Mount-Fuji :

Japan is a hiking paradise and if you come to visit the country mount fuji is something you have to add on your trip!

A view of the mount-fuji at sunrise
Mount-fuji at sunrise

Many travelers hoping to see it from Tokyo or inboard the Shinkansen when they move to their next location. But if you travel to Japan, have a few days, and have a goal to climb it here are some tips and tricks.

There is a proverb in Japan who says that whoever climbs Mount-Fuji once is a wise man and whoever rides it twice is a "fool" …

After having climbed it more than 7 times and some in the same year, I do not know where to classify myself with this proverb.

But this year, due to the Coronavirus, Mount Fuji closed to the public for safety reasons ...

Unable to climb it, I wanted to share advice and my personal experience with you for your next stay.

The top of the mount rises to 3.776M, which is not a difficult climb and accessible to almost everyone! The ascent can take place all year round, but the official climbing period is from late June to early September.

Outside this period, Mount Fuji will be covered with snow and it will be an ascent in the offseason so out of « safety".

If you plan to climb it out of season you must be an advanced hiker with better gear than what I am going to present.

A view of the mount fuji Yoshida trail
Mount-Fuji Yoshida trail

Mont-fuji includes 5 different trails and all of them have 10 stations but most of the people start at the 5th station of their trails.

The difficulty and time don't change that much between the trails and I will tell you here about the Yoshida trail which is similar to the most "affordable" to climb.

Yoshida trail
On the way to mount-fuji top

They are so many ways to climb it, during the day or the night, but most hikers try to be at the summit for sunrise.

Personally I always try to climb it during the day and go down during the sunset to go back to my hotel and enjoy an onsen after this effort, and for me, it's just perfect.

But for the fun, I try every year to beat my previous time to climb it and my actual record is 4h20.

But climbing at night and sleep on a lodge to see the sunrise is another great option. Especially for photographers who hope to take the sunrise.

You can find mountains huts on station 7th, 8th, and 9th and you will have to count +/-7.000Â¥ P/P.

Normally outside the peak season, you don't need to book before but for safety, you can always do it before on the this page.

Going back home

Climb the mount-fuji and go on the roof of Japan is an experience I really invite you to try.

During my job, I meet many people and most of them have a curiosity about this hike or some have seen negative comments (to crowdy and many people).

For sure it can happen like everywhere in Japan, but I never had this feeling.

You just have to avoid the weekend or national holiday.

Like everything in Japan, the trail is very well maintained and marked, consisting of mostly volcanic rock and ash.

On your way to the top, you will pass many huts. Most of them sell snacks and beverages and give you the possibility to go on the toilet.

For sure, due to the limit of access to supply and stock it the price will be more expensive and that's normal.

It's always better to take your food and beverage but in case you don't bring it, you don't have to worry. Keep in mind to take coins to help the huts staff to give you the change. And for sure, you will have to do your best to keep the mount-fuji clean!

And if you need a challenge, you can try to climb it from station one!

Or even better, you can do it has the pilgrim did it before, starting from the Shrine Kitaguchi-Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine. The starting point is just on the back of the shrine.

It was my goal for this year, but it will be for next year hopping the Coronavirus will disappear before.

Mimium gear you will need :

  • Good hiking shoes with good socks

  • Comfortable and warm clothes

  • 1.5L water

  • headlamp

  • Snacks

  • Your camera

  • 100Â¥ coins for shops and toilets

Here is a video on hiking the Mount-fuji summit and its 3.776M.


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